Date: 4 April 2020
To: Tebogo Tsimane

General Manager (acting): operations

South African Airways (SAA)

From: Dr. T Pillay

Acting Director-General Health


Response from Ministerial Advisory Committee (MAC) COVID-19

Dear Mr Tsimane

The MAC COVID-19 is supportive of the repatriation efforts by SAA.  These recommendations provided aim to balance the processes for ensuring staffing of flights with the implications for both crew and the public.

Cargo Planes

  • For SAA cargo crew – proposed recommendations are the same as for Passenger crew, and standard SA screening and isolation recommendations on departure and return.
  • For foreign cargo crew – Port Health authorities need to ensure that the crew are escorted in full PPE  by airport security/SAPS in full protective gear  directly to the dedicated hotel at the airport for such crew to their rooms, the crew remain in isolation in their rooms with no contact with hotel staff or other residents in hotel and get room service with food left outside the room for collection after staff delivering have left.  When departing they are escorted back to the plane the next day for departure.  When a foreign crew member violates these requirements, then the standard 14 day quarantine will apply.


Passenger Planes

For departing passengers and crew boarding SAA flights:

  • Full symptom screen.
  • As understood, Germany on arrival and departure, the German authorities have policies and procedures in place for those boarding and returning in Germany i.e. all passengers and crew.
  • Full screening for Current signs and symptoms:
    1. Fever                   Y/N
    2. Cough                  Y/N
    3. Sore throat          Y/N
    4. Shortness of breath Y/N
    5. Myalgia/general weakness          Y/N
    6. Loss of taste (ageusia) / Loss of the sense of smell (anosmia)          Y/N

If 2 or more – should not board

  • On arrival in RSA, the relevant authorities need to be notified ahead of time.
  • Procedures for disembarkation of crew and passengers need to be in place. Screening needs to be done at point of disembarking-not at passport control.
  • Current signs and symptoms:
    1.  Fever                   Y/N
    2. Cough                  Y/N
    3. Sore throat          Y/N
    4. Shortness of breath Y/N
    5. Myalgia/general weakness          Y/N
    6. Loss of taste (ageusia) / Loss of the sense of smell (anosmia)          Y/N


  • If passengers or crew show 2 or more symptoms, they must be quarantined and swab taken for COVID-19 test. If clinical condition does not warrant hospital admission, then quarantine either at home or at a ‘holding facility’, i.e. a designated nearby hotel, while awaiting test result.
  • If airport-initiated test comes back negative – then can de-quarantine though preferable to continue quarantine at home for the remainder of 14 days. If symptoms worsen, the person should see own doctor and have a repeat test, if indicated.
  • If airport-initiated test comes back positive, such persons will need to be quarantined for 14 days. This could be done in their home provided they are able to exercise self-quarantine; however, if not they may need to be accommodated in one of government designated isolation facilities.
  • Another test should be done within 48 hours of departure of next flight.


Kindly see Annexure A: Response from MAC COVID-19:  SAA Crew and Quarantine Proposal and Mitigation Measures.


Kind regards,




 cc:  Port Health