Vitality’s key principles have never been more relevant: exercise if you’re well, eat healthy  food, and take preventive measures, like washing your hands.

Housewalking? Is that …
Exactly what it sounds like. Housewalking is walking in your house, flat, office, or garden as often as you can. Think of all the time you spend at your desk or on the couch, watching TV or staring at your phone. Now imagine if you could be walking instead. It’s a great way to increase your daily steps, and you could make it as fun and intense as you like. Sure, it will take a slight shift in your mind-set to start walking at home every moment you can, but once you get started it will soon become a habit like brushing your teeth or washing your hands (for 20 seconds, with soap and water, while singing the national anthem).

When and where can you housewalk?

Anytime, anywhere, housewalking is for anyone. You can do it while you’re:

  • Brushing your teeth
  • Washing your hands
  • Playing on your phone (make sure you disinfect it regularly)
  • Watching TV
  • Working from home – reward yourself with a 10-minute break every hour by taking a walk, even if it’s around the dining room table.
  • Playing with pets – the area might be smaller but they still love walkies!
  • Spending time with your kids – make a game out of who can take the longest, shortest, fastest and slowest steps, and teach them real-life “trappe van vergelyking” (degrees of comparison).

To get started:
1. Set a goal of how many steps you want to take in a day
2. Download a health app on your phone that can track your steps
3. Start walking.
4. Increase your goal by 500 steps a day, and you’ll be doing 10 000 steps in no time.

Be an inspiration for others – take a video of yourself finding creative ways to keep walking.
Who knows, maybe you’ll become South Africa’s very first housewalking influencer?


Visit the Vitality at Home page ( for more ideas on how to stay healthy and rewarded at home.
Keep up to date with the latest Vitality news on Facebook (Discovery Vitality) and Twitter (@Vitality_SA).
Stay home. Stay healthy. Stay rewarded.