Nantsi into ebhekiswe kulutsha. Oluthotho luthi ‘UDuma Uthi’ libhalwe lwazotyelwa imibiniso ngu Nathi Ngubane ophuma eThekwini. Kwincwadi-1 uDuma nabahlobo bakhe banenkxalabo xabebona abantu benganxibanga iimaski. Bavelelwa licebo lokukhusela uluntu.

“Duma says” is an educational book series written and illustrated by Durban-born Nathi Ngubane and produced by the experimental Social Bandit Media, based between Jozi and New York.

The seriesĀ is about the adventures of Duma, his sister Zihle and their friends, as they try to find their way during this pandemic.
In Book 1, “Duma Says: wash your hands, wear a mask!”, the duo notice that many in the community are not wearing masks, so they hatch a plan to try and protect their community.