To: Editors & Health Journalists
Issued by: Department of Health
Date: Tuesday, 18 October 2022

Health Department convenes 2nd Tobacco Control Webinar

Pretoria: The Department of Health will tomorrow (Wednesday, 19 October) convene the second of a series of Tobacco Control Webinars focussing of various aspects of Tobacco Products and Electronic Delivery Systems Control Bill.

This week`s webinar will focus on the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) Key Results which revealed that South Africa has a huge burden of tobacco use, exposure to second-hand smoke, and a significant amount of money is being spent on manufactured cigarettes in a country with high levels of poverty.

The Survey is a global standard for systematically monitoring adult tobacco use (including smoking, vaping and e-Cigarettes) and tracking key tobacco control indicators.

The department invites members of the media and stakeholders working on tobacco control work to join the discussions.

The webinar will take place as follows:

Date: Wednesday, 19 October 2022
Time: 10h00
Registration link:

For more information and media enquiries, please contact:

Foster Mohale
Health Department Spokesperson
Cell: 072 4323792

Doctor Tshwale
Spokesperson for Health Minister
Cell: 063 657 8487